Friday, April 7, 2017

Curing Astrology defects with spiritual practises

A lot has been talked about how the 7 planets have an effect on the human system and different remediations have been suggested by the different pundits. In this article we will examine a spiritual way to overcome the defects in your astrological chart or to overcome a particular obstacle. We will use familiar system of chakras, mantras and meditations to achieve this and the intent of this article is to allow a spiritual seeker access to simple techniques which can immediately alleviate his mental and physical conditions without resorting to expensive pujas not accessible to all. 

Though its well known that the 7 planets have an undeniable effect on the human condition the reason behind it is less understood. Lets consider first the macrocosm in which we live, our beloved Mother Earth. Earth is most directly affected by the Sun and Moon and all food which is grown is dependent on the proper regulation of these 2 energy systems. Similarly, the human body is a reflection of the forces which affect the earth. Human body and mind  is essentially composed of food . Food is impossible to produce without sun and moon. So indirectly our bodies are affected by the movements of sun and moon most directly. It then follows that each of the planet in turn has a desired effect on earth and how life must have evolved on earth. For example a scientific article in new scientist detailed how saturns calming nature keeps earth friendly to life. Human being is the microcosm and his energy field is also affected by the energy of the planets. As most people know the human systems has 7 energy centers also known as chakras. These  chakras have a direct 1:1 correspondence to the planets which affect Mother Earth. Each chakra is manifesting the subtle energy of that particular planet. Take a look at the below chart for the mapping. 

sun/moon - ajna chakra
Mercury - Visuddhi chakra
Venus - anahata chakra 
mars - manipura 
jupiter - svadishtana
saturn - muladhara 

Now lets take an example , a lot of people in India get scared about the dreaded Sade-sati which is an intense 7 year period which is very testing due to the influence of Saturn. Now, when you look at this chart its very easy to say to give it a spiritual turn and say - Oh my muladhara chakra is blocked and I need to work on techniques to manifest my true potential at that chakra. I will meditate on Ganesha, avoid tamasic foods and chant lam bija mantra for greater radiance in the muladhara. Once the muladhara is radiant then the planets so called bad effects don’t impact us. By working on your muladhara you become like an anvil and are able to withstand any impact. This is true spirituality where the difficulties are not reduced but the person becomes so strong that the situation doesn’t reduce him to a weakling. 

In my next article I will detail what practises and mantras will help stabilize the individual chakras so that the devotee may use spiritual practises to alleviate his human condition and become more stronger. 


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